Yes, I know there are lots of images in this article, but there's a lot of amazing stuff going on in a small store in Hong Kong's Square St that I just couldn't resist sharing with you.
The store/workshop is the brainchild of gram Founder Alexis Holm and the creator of VOID Watches David Ericsson, and acts as their creative HQ for their respective brands, as well as an array of product ranges all made under the squarestreet name. All with a shared clean and contemporary aesthetic, regardless of their different types.
gram is a shoe brand that many of you will know about. Alexis conducts all of his design work from the store, and turns out eye-catching product with a unique look and texture to other brands.
Offering an equally unique play on the concept of time are the VOID Watches also in store. The brainchild of David Ericsson, the watches not only look great with geometrical design, but also ask some large philosophical questions about time (the Void in space and time).
Then shared between Alexis and David are products made under the store's own squarestreet name. This brand has the flexibility to move to whatever appeals to them at the time, and at present is focusing on some top quality leather goods, and some very attractive footwear.
The store is a real oasis hidden from the HK main streets, and ironically Square St's past is considered to be unlucky as the 'square' in it's name has the same sound in Cantonese as the word for 'death. However, with Alexis and David's tireless creativity at it's core, I'm sure it won't take long to help resurrect the streets fortunes into a vibrant new hub in the city.
For more info you can check out the store's FB page here.
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