Did you know that Americans bought 300 million pairs of shoes last year? Did you know what e-commerce sales were up by around 20% in 2013? Did you also know that the average price of men's footwear in 2012 was $72?
You may not know the answers to any of the above questions, but Matt Powell of Princeton Retail Analysis has made it his business to know these and countless other fascinating other economically related sneaker facts in his role as a 'Sneakerologist', as he examines statistics, facts and trends about the industry that make sense of the past, and calculated forecasts of the future..
Understanding the business of the sneaker world has seen Matt become something of a sneaker superstar, with his name listed in Complex's 30 Must-Follow Sneaker Writers and Bloggers on Twitter”, and his LinkedIn profile is in the top 1% most popular profiles.
When Matt talks the sneaker world listens so I'm delighted to have him here as the latest name in my In Their Shoes interview series.
Matt, thanks so much for your time. So, I don't think that I have ever spoken
to a 'Sneakerologist' before. How did you get this title, and what does it mean
I gave the title to myself, as people were asking “what do you do?” It
means I study the business and culture of sneakers
IDYSM: Sounds like an amazing job. Why did you start to study this area, and
to what end do you continue to do it?
Matt: I was sociology major in college,
so I’ve always been interested in consume behavior. As a retailer, you have to
understand what make people buy.
a day-to-day basis what does your work entail?
Matt: I
write a lot. I do research for the brands, retailers, the stock market
and investment banks. I blog for Forbes. I answer Twitter
questions. I get my data weekly at 9 east Wednesday and am constantly
referring to what the data says, challenging my assumptions
IDYSM: What are those assumptions and why do
you want to challenge them?
I expect to see certain trends occurring. If they do not then I have to ask myself where did my
assumptions go wrong.
you purely factor in the financial value of sneakers, or is it important to
also factor in the emotional attachment product can have to people too?
Matt: Tough
to measure the emotional attachment. Often the emotions make small releases
seems more commercially significant when they are not
IDYSM: Could
sneakers act as a barometer of an economy’s strength or weakness?
Matt: Interestingly
when the economy is tough, sneakers sell better. I believe it is an
inexpensive way to make yourself feel better.
IDYSM: True - not everyone can book a holiday
to the Maldives or buy an Aston Martin, so do you see a value to sneakers being
their 'feel-good factor'?
Matt: Without question. Every time you put a new pair of shoes on, you feel better
Matt: Without question. Every time you put a new pair of shoes on, you feel better
IDYSM: This can go the other way though as we
see some releases in the US create some pretty violent scenes over 'must-have'
product. Does this demand for
limited edition product cheapen or heighten the industry?
Matt: Those incidents are pretty rare. The brands and the retailers work very hard to make sure
their customers are safe. Unrequited demand drives more sales down the line.
has the industry changed since you've been involved? Surely trends, mass
production and the Internet have changed the landscape?
Matt: Without
question the internet has been the biggest game changer. Access to
information and feedback has never been broader. The sneaker business is a
premium business. I think the
internet has helped there.
IDYSM: You've
rubbed shoulders with Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan and John Elway when you
worked with MVP, how interesting was it to be around these names, who have such
an influence?
Matt: They
were all very smart business people and did not display a lot of ego.
Very involved in the concept of the business. Their vision was not just to sell
products but to teach kids how to play the game better. We worked really hard on this and I
think achieved much of our goals.
I think they picked me to help because of my
broad merchandising background, and my vision of for the internet.
does their influence filter down to what we see at a street level?
Matt: Their
vision was that they wanted the site to help kids play sports better. I
think in a small way we were able to accomplish that.
a few years ago Vans and the Vulcanized movement seemed to be killing it - was
low pricepoint x high volume sales a passing trend?
The Vans business has remained very good. Vans sales grew 25% in the US in
2013. They focused on iconic
products and kept distribution very clean.
IDYSM: Since
about 2011 we have seen more and more high-end, high price-point produce
arrive. How does the more expensive, aspirational produce effect the industry
Matt: The
sneaker business is a premium business. Much of the growth we have seen in
recent years has come from premium price points. I am very focused on watching the premium segment. There does not appear to be any
slowdown in sight.
relevant is the study of Sneakerology in the current age?
Matt: I
would say more than ever. Brands and retailers can never have too much
seem to see retro, tech and premium as 3 hot areas right now, will any or all
of these define the 2010's as a key era in sneaker history?
Matt: Retro
is just fashion. The tech advances that we have seen (and will see) are
the real key. Consumers want technical products that can do more things than
they ask. I call it the
“smartphone effect”
IDYSM: Finally, this is the question I end all of my 'In Their Shoes' interviews with, what's on your shoes right now, and were they a wise investment?
Matt: I don’t own any sneakers.
Follow Matt on Forbes here.
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