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Monday 24 February 2014

Bondi Vans Bowl-A-Rama Turns 10 Pt 1; Sydney

Vans Bondi Bowl-A-Rama celebrated it's 10th Anniversary this weekend, so apologies for whisking you briefly away from my Euro travels for a taste of the Aussie summer, but this was an event well worth checking!
Bigger than ever, the event lured HUGE crowds to see A list skating, all backed by Vans and Red Bull, and as always the event attracted both skaters and non-skaters who couldn't help but get caught up in the action.
I admittedly fall into the latter category, but it seems that the skate community seems to be increasingly liking my own take on skate culture - sort of fusing street photography with action and reportage...actually, I'm not sure what you call it, but people seem to like it - so thanks guys!
There will be countless sites you can go to for pure skating shots, so I tried to capture something a bit different - pointing my camera at the things that to me showcase what the mood of the event is all about; action, people, tattoos, shoes, weird stuff and offbeat moments.
This is set 1, and a 2nd set will be published tomorrow - enjoy!

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